
Refund and Returns Policy

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  • Refund and Returns Policy
  1. Face-to-Face Live Classes:
    • Refunds will be provided if the academy cancels a course or class due to reasons such as insufficient enrollment, faculty unavailability, or unforeseen circumstances.
    • Students may request a refund within a specified period before the commencement of the course, subject to an administrative fee.
    • No refunds will be provided for cancellations made by students after the specified deadline or for missed classes.
  2. Learning Management System (LMS) Option:
    • Refunds for subscriptions to courses accessed through the Learning Management System (LMS) will be provided if the request is made within a specified period after the subscription purchase.
    • Refunds will only be granted if the student has not accessed or completed any course materials or assessments within the LMS.
    • Once course materials have been accessed or assessments have been completed, no refunds will be provided.
  3. Processing Time and Method:
    • Refund requests must be submitted in writing to the academy’s administrative office or through the designated online portal.
    • Refunds will be processed within a reasonable timeframe, typically within 30 days of receiving the refund request.
    • Refunds will be issued using the original payment method, unless otherwise specified by the student.
  4. Exceptions:
    • In cases of extenuating circumstances such as medical emergencies or unforeseen personal circumstances, the academy may consider refund requests on a case-by-case basis.
    • Refunds may be subject to deductions for administrative fees, transaction charges, or other non-recoverable expenses incurred by the academy.
  5. Cancellation by Student:
    • Refunds will not be provided for cancellations made by students after the specified deadline or for missed classes.
    • Students are encouraged to communicate any changes in their enrollment status or schedule conflicts to the academy as soon as possible to explore alternative options.
  6. Policy Changes:
    • Srinivasa Academy reserves the right to modify or update the refund policy at any time without prior notice.
    • Students are responsible for regularly reviewing the refund policy and abiding by the latest version thereof.

By enrolling in courses offered by Srinivasa Academy, students agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the refund policy. The academy aims to ensure fair and transparent practices in handling refund requests while also considering the operational and administrative costs involved.